Saturday, December 28, 2019

Politics And Its Effects On Society Essay - 1246 Words

Politics is defined as the processes through which competition among individuals and groups, pursuing their own interests, are used to exercise power and influence to allocate certain values and interests. It is the determination of who gets what, when, and how in a given social system. Often through government, politics determine how much education a person must have and what its contents will be. It establishes the words one cannot utter in a public place. It regulates how much their hard-earned income must be given to government and how various governments spend to provide different groups with benefits, such as: education, roads, fire protection, subsidized health care, safe food, national defense, and aid to another country. It governs whether an individual is allowed to use a drug, the amount of pollutant that a car can emit, how secure one feels against violence in their neighborhood and within the global system, and whether they receive unequal treatment in the allocation of benefits due to ethnicity, gender, ideology, etc (Danziger). Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience is the quintessential example of why politics matter. By enhancing what one knows about politics and values, one will become more effective in knowing how to behave politically - as voters, political activists, and political decision makers. Civil Disobedience promotes the need to prioritize one’s conscience over the law. Henry David Thoreau believed in intuition, and his knowledge was based onShow MoreRelatedPolitics And Its Effect On Society1474 Words   |  6 Pagesentirely define politics as it becomes more subjective and relative within individuals and societies. However there seems to be one common fact that cuts across all the various definitions and ideas; essentially it is the power factor. Today most people see it as a â€Å"game†, hence the term political gimmicks. It is almost as if a group of people are into some kind of race to get the ultimate price of power and will do â€Å"anything† to get it. According Randall (1982, pg.10), politics is how resourcesRead MoreWhat Effect Has Narco-Trafficking Had on Colombian Politics and Society?3646 Words   |  15 Pagesthe past thirty years. Its impact of politics and society has been immense. This essay will highlight and expand to what extent have Colombia’s socio-politics been affected. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

A Positive Note For Advertising - 858 Words

A Positive Note for Advertising So many people are intimidated by the word marketing. They may not realize it, but marketing is a part of their daily routine and they will use it for the rest of their life. Singles use marketing theories to find love, parents to convince children to behave, and teachers to sell knowledge to the classroom. Anytime someone successfully convinces or sells another person on their idea, or product, they likely used elements of marketing without even realizing. In light of this, one of the most basic, and sometimes naturally used marketing developments has been brought about by the emergence of positive psychology. The science of positive psychology is leading to formalization and acknowledgement of marketing ideas that have been components of successful marketing campaigns for ages, such as strength-based marketing and psychological marketing. Understanding positive psychology’s influence on marketing gives consumers a chance to see how companies are using it to increase brand re cognition and customer retention, as well as for developing stronger â€Å"word of mouth† marketing. According to a 2006 article in the American Marketing Association’s Journal of Marketing employee’s emotions have a significant impact on customer interactions. In another fascinating and more recent study published in the Plos ONE Journal in 2014, researchers found that the emotional effect a rainy day had on people in one area was duplicated in the emotions of people inShow MoreRelatedEffect Of Advertising On Society Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesTalking about advertising, on the one hand, it is good for its functions, displays, etc.; on the other hand, sometimes it is too good to be true, the way they bring the messages to the consumers which state â€Å"the number one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . What truly are the miscommunications and how do the viewers react to different types of stimulation among those, are there negative or positive results? This review of literature scope was led by the following question: When it comes to communication and advertising are there positiv eRead MoreCognitive Based And Affective Based Attitude Towards The Samsung Family Hub Smart Fridge1691 Words   |  7 Pagescustomers, to recall memory about difficulties when doing cooking or kitchen work. These videos showed that it can solve their problems. 5. Cognitive-based Attitudes Cognitive process involves positive or negative valences, feelings or emotions. An attitude towards an object always involves a positive or negative feeling or motivational component. It’s an interrelated system of cognition, feelings, and action tendencies. (Winzar, Hume, Steven, Peter, 2015) Cognitive attitude is a beliefs createdRead MoreThe Controversy of the Manipulation of Advertising Essay1068 Words   |  5 PagesManipulation of Advertising Is advertising manipulative; can it be controlling, or is it fueling the demand of the American economy? The exhaustive battle of what advertising is and what it’s not is never-ending and both ends of the spectrum can only battle with statistics, words, and opinions on the fact of the matter. Many arguments have arisen since the establishment of the advertising industry and everyone sheds their own light on the subject. In â€Å"Beauty and the Beast of Advertising,† Jean KilbourneRead MoreThe Effect Of Advertising Weight On Sales Of A Product900 Words   |  4 Pages1 Summary This report describes in detail the model that has been developed, with the aim to investigate the effect of advertising weight on sales of a product which subsequently reflects the changes on profit of the company. 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The advertising productivity adds value to value chain. The changing revenue of EAT and DRI are $178 million and $1,436.9 million respectively from 2012 to 2015. The changing advertising expense of EATRead MoreChemalite, Inc. Essay1204 Words   |  5 Pagesotherwise. We have to determine how these numbers reflect the true nature of the company. Issues 1. Should they continue with business in 2004 and beyond? 2. Do they have a positive cash flow? 3. Are they profitable? Decisions I do believe that Chemalite, Inc. should continue on because they were both profitable and had a positive cash flow. And there are all three answers to the issues in one sentence. Plus, the prototype value will soon increase and the Olympic Games Athens 2004 just placed a huge

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce †

Question: Discuss about the Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce. Answer: Introduction Business organizations along with educational institutions have a culturally diverse workforce that includes both employees and students. Failure in managing cultural diversity effectively results in discrimination in terms of workplace recruitment, selection, opportunities along with harassment and bullying. Challenges encountered due to diversity thereby, hampers the psychological and emotional well-being of the individuals. However, if managed appropriately, it helps in maintaining mutual respect and fairness. This report highlights the challenges and opportunities encountered by Aotearoa Institute of Technology in managing a culturally diverse workforce in order to access educational services by ensuring and promoting equality. Challenges encountered in managing culturally diverse workforce Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd. is committed to promoting equality and tackling discrimination thereby ensuring access to education services for all the people. The organization does not want to compromise with the quality education due to workplace diversity. Inequality is encountered in terms of age, race, gender disability, religious beliefs and political opinion (Patrick Kumar, 2012). The organization has developed suitable policies and legislations in order to prevent discrimination. There are some major challenges encountered by Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd while managing diversity in the workplace. As commented by Barack (2016), harassment and bullying are most commonly noticed in a diversified workplace. The individual coming from a background with less preference are harassed within the workplace. For example, some employees are not given appropriate changes at the workplace such as promotion due to diversity. Moreover, due to diversity, the employees might le ss likely to let the voice of other employees express their opinion. Diversified workplace culture results in encountering prejudice or negative cultural stereotypes (Harvey Allard, 2015). Discrimination is also another significant aspect that is encountered by Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd while managing diversity. As a result, the entire population was unable to receive equal educational service thereby, hampering their progress. Additionally, most of the employees blame the victims only for facing harassment as they consider everything as the victims fault. Alongside, the employees from the different background also encounter strong negative reaction defined as backlash by the majority of the people in the workplace. Such negative reactions hamper the psychological and emotional state of the individuals. The aforementioned challenges thereby prevent the individuals from accessing suitable facilities and progress. Opportunities in managing culturally diverse workforce successfully Along with the major challenges encountered by Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd, various opportunities can be achieved if the challenges are managed appropriately. As mentioned by Kirton Greene (2015), mutual respect is the most important thing that can be achieved by managing the workplace diversity. Mutual respect for all the individuals within the same environment helps in creating a strong bond along with positive relationship and working environment. Moreover, mutual respect for each other also helps in building a sense of acceptance and fairness within the working environment. Therefore, if Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd is able to manage the challenges faced due to discrimination, the organization will be able to create a steady relationship between the employees, the students along with establishing a healthy working environment. Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd will be able to mitigate discrimination in terms of age, sex, gender, marital status, disability and political views. One of the major opportunities of maintaining cultural diversity is ensuring equality (Singh, Winkel Selvarajan, 2013). The policies and legislations developed by Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd help in ensuring equality within the organization. This will help in equal access of educational services within the institution without compromising the quality of service. Effective management of workplace cultural diversity helps in encouraging the engagement of the individuals present within the environment (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). Due to empowerment, engagement and suitable opportunities, the performance of the individuals within the organization is enhanced. In order to motivate the individuals, Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd recognizes and appreciates the effort and hard work of the people. Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd does not discriminate in acknowledging the performance in terms of disability, age, gender and political opinions. Therefore, Aotearoa Insti tute of Technology Ltd. achieves better performance by managing workplace diversity effectively. Conclusion In this report, it can be concluded that Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd encounters challenges due to workplace diversity that is managed appropriately thereby, ensuring potential opportunities. The potential issues faced by Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd due to the culturally diverse workforce are harassment, biases, discrimination, backlash based on age, gender, disability, religion views and religious background. However, Aotearoa Institute of Technology Ltd has developed policies and rules that helped to manage workplace diversity thereby, giving rise to potential opportunities such as mutual respect, fairness, equality, empowerment, encouragement, and recognition. References Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Chrobot-Mason, D., Aramovich, N. P. (2013). The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity. Group Organization Management, 38(6), 659-689. Harvey, C. P., Allard, M. (2015). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Pearson. Kirton, G., Greene, A. M. (2015). The dynamics of managing diversity: A critical approach. Routledge. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges. Sage Open, 2(2), 2158244012444615. Singh, B., Winkel, D. E., Selvarajan, T. T. (2013). Managing diversity at work: Does psychological safety hold the key to racial differences in employee performance?. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(2), 242-263.